Collections Wallpaper, Borders, Fabrics, Wallpanel & Stickers
We are girls and we do what we want. Indeed, they are free to dream and go overboard, asserting their ownparticular style and happy desires. So, whether her head is in the clouds or her heart is full of poetry, whether she dreams of being a princess of the universe or an adventurer exploring the ends of the earth, whether she likes to dance until the end of thenight or travel the world, whether she is too cool or a little hippy, we are making our girl love and our girl powerknown, loud and clear.With this complete collection, we chose to pay tribute to every young girl.There are decorative elements for each part of the room, ranging from non-woven paper that is easy to hang,fabrics, border strips, panoramic designs, stickers, etc. But, what’s more important is that there is a style foreveryone with 8 joyful, cheerful and colourful themes that are easily accessible thanks to their brand-new smallmotifs.